• Thousands gathered in Philadelphia on Saturday to protest against police brutality and George Floyd’s death.
  • The protests took over the whole city, with an aerial view of the demonstrations trending on Twitter.
  • A newlywed couple even joined the protest after their wedding.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

People held protests as a result of George Floyd’s death across the country on Saturday, with large gatherings happening from San Francisco to New York.

But the most impressive protest of the day might have been the one that took place in Philadelphia.

Demonstrators flooded Philadelphia’s center on Saturday, packing the streets and parks on the 8th day of protests in the city.

A local news NBC chopper took aerial footage of the event that captured the sheer scale of the protest.

Demonstrators take up nearly every corner of the city, with Black Lives Matter supporters standing together in solidarity.

The video had over 10 million views at the time of this writing.

The protests were largely peaceful on Saturday, though Philadelphia had seen violence over the last week.

Philadelphia Mayor Phil Kenney even attended one of the demonstrations, taking a knee with protesters.

He said the past week had been "humbling" for him in a tweet about the protest, adding that "black voices have been silenced for too long."

The city still had a curfew beginning at 8 pm on Saturday, even as other large cities lifted their curfews.

Amid the protests in Philadelphia, there was a moment of surprising joy.

Kerry-Anne Perkins and Michael Gordon got married downtown on Saturday and stumbled upon the protests following their ceremony.

They joined the demonstration in their wedding attire, much to the delight of onlookers.

Protesters applauded them as they shared a kiss.

Their story quickly went viral online, gaining almost as much fame as the protest itself.